When Gabe and his co-founder Tim developed Pyrus, their first flagship product at Symmetry—a sustainable wood alternative crafted from the waste of kombucha brewing—they faced a critical challenge. Despite having their innovative material ready for production, they were constrained by limited resources. Choosing the wrong target market for their initial rollout could squander their precious seed funding.

Recognizing the stakes, Gabe and Tim enlisted my help to explore whether the guitar industry, known for its rich tradition and craftsmanship, would embrace their sustainable material. They needed to know if sustainability mattered to guitar manufacturers and their customers, and whether there was precedent for using alternative materials.

I embarked on a meticulous market research journey, driven by relentless cold outreach. I connected with industry giants like Mitchell Nolman, Vice President of Sales and Customer Engagement at a leading firm, and Martin Scott Paul, Director of Natural Resources Sustainability at Taylor Guitars, among others. Through these conversations, I compiled an in-depth insight report.

This wasn’t just data gathering—it was an empathetic dive into the minds and hearts of key players and consumers in the guitar industry. My findings helped Gabe and Tim not only validate the guitar market as a viable target but also equipped them with the strategic insights needed to finely tune their marketing approach and launch positioning. This strategic decision was pivotal, turning potential into a defined path forward for Symmetry’s innovative product.